Monday, January 10, 2011


I don't have a whole lot to write about today. But here's an interesting chat I had with Craig a few months ago. Since then, my favorite way to say goodbye to someone is TTYL MFER. Unfortunately, it has not been widely adopted by the internet at large. Yet.

wooo hawaii
12:46 AM Craig: eggsellent
12:47 AM me: that was a terrible yolk
12:48 AM Craig: it's late, my mind is scrambled
12:49 AM me: hold up, omelette you finish, but i just wanted to say that beyonce had one of the best videos OF ALL TIME
12:53 AM Craig: aaahhh why did I start with the egg thing, I can't think of anything remotely clever anymore I give up!
  you cracked me, I guess
12:54 AM me: haha
12:55 AM you went over easy.
12:56 AM Craig: you could say that you were a "craig beater"
12:57 AM me: haha
  even when we stop we're still going. :)
12:59 AM ok, well i'm going to go to bed
  at least until I see the sunny side up
 Craig: STOP IT
1:00 AM me: ok
  egg jokes over


Craig said...

We're not the only brilliant minds with egg puns!

Chris Downie said...

Awesome. :)