Who will then rape people. At least according to a fair and balanced news source.
This isn't the first time a new video game has caused the media circus to flip its shit. Fox also flipped out over a sex scene in Mass Effect. But that was forever ago in internet time, so it makes sense that they'd have forgotten about it by now.
I really wish folks would stop trying to demonize video games. Or at least try to demonize them a different way.
It seems with this super-violent video game, the same song and dance is happening. "This is really bad for children, and they're deliberately marketing it towards children." "Everyone knows violent video games lead to increased aggressive behavior and domestic violence" Please. There have actually been studies on this. Real data, real facts, showing that the ESRB ratings for video games work better than the MPAA ratings for movies at keeping adult-targeted content away from children. They've also shown a nation-wide decline in domestic violence as the video games market has expanded in the last few years.
Rock Paper Shotgun does a thorough job examining the original shit-stirring article by Fox News. And when Fox got wind of it and tried to mislead folks again, RPS responded, taking them to task on every detail.
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