Sunday, January 02, 2011


Today was my geek out day. I got a shiny new xbox with Kinect a few days ago, but hadn't yet had the time to properly set it up and play with it. So today I wired the new thing up and got all Kinectified.

Long story short, Kinect is fun. I definitely like the Dance Central control mechanism better than the one for the rest of Xbox and Kinect Adventures. It makes navigating the menu feel like I'm high fiving some friends standing in front of me but turned to their side. This is in contrast to waving my palm tentatively in front of me, like I'm trying to use the Force to command my will while simultaneously telling the xbox, "whoa, calm down. Please don't bite me."

The coolest moment was when Kathryn walked in front of the tv and it auto-signed her in. Very cool.

The worst is the amount of space it requires. Any Kinect game that plans to use depth information will be an absolute pain. Hopefully the game makers realize that depth is useless in games. At least until we have holograms. Or pervasive 3D TVs.

I'll have reviews of the games after I get a chance to play them more.

But for now, let's just say that my achievement hunting on Alan Wake and Mass Effect 2 is on hold for a bit. :)

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